What is RDBMS?

Before we get into RDBMS let get to know 

what is database mangament system DBMS?

Database Management System (DBMS): a database management system is a set of programs in an operating system that create and maintains a database .
  • Store and retrive information from that database.
Ralational Database Management System(RDBMS) :
Maintains data in table and realationship which are created and maintaind across and among data and tables.

Differnce between DBMS and RDBMS:Now a days RDBS replace DBMS.
  • data is stored in a single large table.
  • Whole database is modified.
  • database is “broken down” into smaller pices.
  • Changes will affect the entire database.

Relational Database Management System :
  • developed by Dr E.F.Coddd in the year 1970.
  • all the latest database product use this data model.
  • Entire database is divided into number of table and they are connected through a “key feild”.
  • Data is stored in the form of table in table,data are stored in rows and columns.
  • “key field” is nothing but a column in a table.by using this column different table are link together.
Relational Database Management System :
a student database consist of different table like “Personal Details” Table,”Mark ” Table,”Departments” Table and etc. we can relate this table through Register Number because all this table have Register Number column. This column is a key field.
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