Simple table creation

In this section we are going to discuss the
Data Definition Language (DDl):Data definition language is used to create alter and the drop the database objects.database obejects are nothing but a table ,views,indexes,etc.
Here we will see how to create a simple table. for creating a table we must have a database like oracle.sql server2008,DB2, and etc..install in owr  system and if you dont have any database  installed in your system then you can try
For this series I have used mysql database which is already installed in wamp server. If to see installation of wamp server then click here.

Take a look at this image here we have given the query to mysql server and my sql server process the request and creted the table in the database.

In this syntax create table is the keyword to create a table in the database Table_name is the name of table to be created in the database ,column_name1 to column_nameN is the name of the column creted in the table in this table creation we must specify the table datatype during table creation it specifiy the type of data and the length of data to be store in the table columns in this table definition we can also specify the default expression to be store in the column .
So before going to create a table decide the data type of the of different data which we will store in database so just have a look on below video and try to create a  table by your self.

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