Find the number of unique days each employee worked ?

Problem Statement :  Find the number of unique days each employee worked ?

Table Name : unq_days 

Expected Output : 

Script to Populate the Above sample table Data : 

create table unq_days(
emp_id number,
task_id number,
start_dy varchar2(20),
end_dy varchar2(20)

insert into unq_days values(2,1,'Tuesday','Wednesday');
insert into unq_days values(2,1,'Monday','Friday');
insert into unq_days values(1,3,'Friday','Friday');
insert into unq_days values(1,2,'Monday','Tuesday');
insert into unq_days values(1,1,'Monday','Wednesday');


Step 1:- Create a table to find the days between and populate the data as per below script 

create table days_table (
id number (2) ,
weekdays varchar2(20));

insert into days_table values (1,'Monday');
insert into days_table values (2,'Tuesday');
insert into days_table values (3,'Wednesday');
insert into days_table values (4,'Thursday');
insert into days_table values (5,'Friday');
insert into days_table values (6,'Saturday');
insert into days_table values (7,'Sunday');

Step 2:- Create a function to convert the days into a number value which we can use to find the range of between in step 3 . 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Fn_days_working(i_days varchar2) 
RETURN number IS 
   v_id number :=0 ; 
   SELECT id into v_id  
   FROM days_table t where t.weekdays=i_days; 
   RETURN v_id ; 

Step 3:-  Final query 

SELECT Emp_id , count(1) from (
with tab  as (
select t.emp_id , LISTAGG(t.working_days,',') wrdy from 
select ud.emp_id , 
(select LISTAGG(distinct t.weekdays ,',')from days_table t 
where between Fn_days_working(ud.start_dy) and Fn_days_working(ud.end_dy) 
) working_days 
from unq_days ud 
) t 
group by t.emp_id
SELECT DISTINCT emp_id, trim(regexp_substr(wrdy, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) str
   CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count(WRDY, ',')+1
group by emp_id ; 

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