SELECT with Subqueries Questions

1.    Display the names and job titles of all employees with the same job as Jones.

SELECT ename, job FROM emp
WHERE job = (SELECT job FROM emp WHERE ename = 'JONES');

2.    Display the names and department name of all employees working in the same city as Jones.

SELECT ename, dname FROM emp INNER JOIN dept ON emp.deptno = DEPT.deptno
WHERE loc = (SELECT loc FROM emp INNER JOIN dept ON emp.deptno = DEPT.deptno
                     WHERE ename = 'JONES');
SELECT ename, dname FROM emp INNER JOIN dept USING (deptno)
WHERE loc = (SELECT loc FROM emp INNER JOIN dept USING (deptno)
                     WHERE ename = 'JONES');

3.    Display the name of the employee whose salary is the lowest.

SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE sal = (SELECT min(sal) FROM emp);
SELECT ename FROM emp, (SELECT min(sal) as sal  FROM emp) minsal
WHERE emp.sal = minsal.sal

4.    Display the names of all employees except the lowest paid.

SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE sal> (SELECT min(sal) FROM emp);

5.    Display the names of all employees whose job title is the same as anyone in the sales dept.

SELECT ename FROM emp
WHERE dname = 'SALES');

6.    Display the names of all employees who work in a department that employs an analyst.

SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (SELECT DISTINCT emp.deptno
FROM emp INNER JOIN dept ON emp.deptno = dept.deptno WHERE job = 'ANALYST');

7.    Display the names of all employees with their job title, their current salary and their salary following a 10% pay rise for clerks and a 7% pay rise for all other employees.

SELECT ename, job, sal, 1.1 * sal AS "newsal" FROM emp WHERE job = 'CLERK'
SELECT ename, job, sal, 1.07 * sal AS "newsal" FROM emp WHERE job <> 'CLERK';

8.    Display the names of all employees with their salary and commission earned. Employees with a null commission _eld should have 0 in the commission column.

SELECT ename, sal, comm FROM emp WHERE comm IS NOT NULL
SELECT ename, sal, 0 FROM emp WHERE comm IS NULL;
SELECT ename, sal, NVL(comm,0) as comm FROM emp

9.    Display the names of ALL employees with the total they have earned (ie. salary plus commission).

SELECT ename, sal + comm AS "earnings" FROM emp WHERE comm IS NOT NULL
SELECT ename, sal FROM emp WHERE comm IS NULL;
SELECT ename, NVL2(comm,sal + comm,sal) AS "earnings" FROM emp

10.    Repeat the display for the last question but this time display in descending order of earnings.

SELECT ename, sal + comm AS "earnings" FROM emp WHERE comm IS NOT NULL
SELECT ename, sal FROM emp WHERE comm IS NULL ORDER BY earnings DESC;
SELECT ename, NVL2(comm,sal + comm,sal) AS "earnings" FROM emp ORDER BY earnings DESC;

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