Step to install oracle for Toad

      Toad® for Oracle is unrivaled for ensuring the greatest possible productivity in development and administration of Oracle databases. Only Toad combines the deepest functionality available with extensive automation and intuitive workflows. With Toad, database professionals of all skill and experience levels can collaborate and work efficiently and in this section we are steping into the installation of oracle for toad.
and for this section download the toad from here   DOWNLOAD LINK .

Step to install the toad
Step1: first download the setup for toad then run the setup.exe and then click on next
Step2: after click on next you will get the licence agreement accept the agrement and click on next .
Step3: once you accept the licence agrement  then choss which type of installtion you want  i suggest you to choss full installtaion ,mode show that it will install all the things .then if you want add on programm then chek otherwise unchek the add on. and click on next.
Step4:Now select the installtion drive you want by default will install in   c:\program file\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle .again give a click on Next
Step5:Now its ready to install click on Next and install Toad.

Step6:Installation complete successfully.
Step7:open the toad it will ask for the
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Then click on ok. all the step installtion are completed successfully

Step8:Enter the log in details like user/schema name and password for acces the database .select the database ,and mode of conncting by the oracle database server. like TNS,Direct...
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  1. Good one :)..keep it up..

  2. lovely job Abhishek bhaiya.thanks for sharing
