Oracle10g Installation steps

     In the previous lesson we have already discuss about what is database? what is oralce?   and all if you miss those lesson then just have a look here
what is database?
what is oracle?
in this section we will learn how to install the oracle10g .There are only few simple and easy step to intall the oracle10g. 
 Step1: Insert Oracle CD , the autorun window opens automatically. If you are installing from network or hard disk, click setup.exe in the installation folder.
 Step2:The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) will run and display the Select Installation Method Window.
 Step3:  In the above screen there are two combo box
             a.Choose Basic Installation:
             b.Advanced Installation:
a.Choose Basic Installation:   Select this option to quickly install Oracle Database 10g. This method requires minimal user input. It installs the software and optionally creates a general-purpose database based on the information you provide.
For basic installation, you specify the following:
Oracle Home LocationEnter the directory in which to install the Oracle Database 10g software. You must specify a new Oracle home directory for each new installation of Oracle Database 10g. Use the default value, which is :
Installation Type Select Enterprise Edition :
If you have limited space, select standard edition. Personal edition installs the same software as the Enterprise Edition, but supports only a single-user development and deployment environment.
Create Starter DatabaseCheck this box to create a database during installation. Oracle recommends that you create a starter database for first Create Starter Database — time installations. Choose a Global Database Name, like cs157b, or just use the default value.
Type a password. Don’t lose this password, since you will need it to connect to the database server.
Click next 
Step4:The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks window appears: Click next
Step5:A summary screen appears showing information such as your global settings, space requirements and the new products to be installed. Click Install to start the installation.

Step6:The Install window appears showing installation progress.
Step7:At the end of the  installation phase, the Configuration Assistants window appears. This window lists the configuration assistants that are started automatically. If you are creating a database, then the Database Configuration Assistant starts automatically in a separate window.wait for some time untill the progress bar reaches to 100% . In this step it first coping the database file ,then it is  creating  the instaces and start the instances  .

Step8:At the end of database creation, you are prompted to unlock user accounts to make the accounts accessible. The SYS and SYSTEM accounts are already unlocked. Click OK to bypass password management.

Note: Oracle 10g still keeps scott / tiger username and password (UID=scott, PWD=tiger) from the old version of oracle. In the old version of oracle, scott/tiger user ID is available by default, but not in oracle 10g. If you want to use scott /tiger account, you must unlock it by clicking “Password Management” at the last window.
Password Management window will appear like the one shown below. Find the user name “Scott” and uncheck the “Lock Account?” column for the user name.
Step9:Your installation and database creation is now complete. The End of Installation window displays several important URLs, one of which is for Enterprise Manager.
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1 comment:

  1. Great work done there. Keep it coming and never kill the spirit of all this Great Job.
