Data Structure and Algorithm

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1.In section 1 please enter your valid mail ID else you won't be able to submit the quiz and view the score of the quiz.
2.In section 2 please enter student details.

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Note : If anyone is interested for demo interview then you can drop your CV to mail ID


Before submitting please remember below two points :- 1.In section 1 please enter your valid mail ID else you won't be able to submit the quiz and view the score of the quiz.
2.In section 2 please enter student details.

If you enjoy giving this quiz and found it useful? If so, please share it with your friends.

Note : If anyone is interested for demo interview then you can drop your CV to mail ID

Mobile App Development Setup

In this section will cover the list of software and download link which are required to build a mobile apps as well as hybrid apps development using ionic.

Part 1 : Downloading the Prerequisites

1.Node.js :
To check the installation execute the command node -v

2.VS Code :

3. Android Studio :

4.Xcode :You need a Mac to build apps for iOS.

Part 2 : Installing Ionic and Cordova CLIs

1. To install Ionic CLI globally execute the below command in terminal / cmd prompt
npm install ionic -g 
To check the installation execute the command ionic -v 

2. To install the latest version of Cordova CLI , Globally execute the below command in terminal / cmd prompt
npm install cordova -g
To check the installation execute the command cordova -v 

Note : For mac install with sudo privilege 

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