Export Import Schemas level using data pump

 In the previous section we have done Table level export import now we will do the schema level import export  .
We will use the directory which we have already created in table level export section. Please visit the below link  for Table level export import:

and follow the steps 2,3,4 if you are have not created any directory else you can use your created directory.

Once the directory created please follow the below steps to export schemas:

Step 1:- Export HR Schema
expdp directory=TESTDIR dumpfile=schema_exp_hr.dmp logfile=schema_exp_hr.log schemas=HR

Step 2:-Once export done please check the log schema_exp_hr.log

Step 3:- Now drop the HR schema along with all the objects inside it
Drop user hr cascade;

Step 4:- Import the HR schema again
impdp directory=TESTDIR dumpfile=schema_exp_hr.dmp logfile=schema_imp_hr.log schemas=HR

Step 5:- Once imported please check the log file :schema_imp_hr.log 
and then try to log in with the HR log in credential .

REMAP_SCHEMA command will add objects from source schema to target schema
For Expample :The hr schema into the existing HRNEW schema.
if user HRNEW already exists before the import, then the Import will import all the object
else it will create HRNEW schema and then import all the object .

impdp directory=TESTDIR dumpfile=schema_exp_hr.dmp logfile=schema_imp_remap_hr_newhr.log remap_schema=HR:NEWHR

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Export Import Schemas level using data pump

 In the previous section we have done Table level export import now we will do the schema level import export  .
We will use the directory which we have already created in table level export section. Please visit the below link  for Table level export import:

and follow the steps 2,3,4 if you are have not created any directory else you can use your created directory.

Once the directory created please follow the below steps to export schemas:

Step 1:- Export HR Schema
expdp directory=TESTDIR dumpfile=schema_exp_hr.dmp logfile=schema_exp_hr.log schemas=HR

Step 2:-Once export done please check the log schema_exp_hr.log

Step 3:- Now drop the HR schema along with all the objects inside it
Drop user hr cascade;

Step 4:- Import the HR schema again
impdp directory=TESTDIR dumpfile=schema_exp_hr.dmp logfile=schema_imp_hr.log schemas=HR

Step 5:- Once imported please check the log file :schema_imp_hr.log 
and then try to log in with the HR log in credential .

REMAP_SCHEMA command will add objects from source schema to target schema
For Expample :The hr schema into the existing HRNEW schema.
if user HRNEW already exists before the import, then the Import will import all the object
else it will create HRNEW schema and then import all the object .

impdp directory=TESTDIR dumpfile=schema_exp_hr.dmp logfile=schema_imp_remap_hr_newhr.log remap_schema=HR:NEWHR

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Export Import Table level using data pump

In this section will do Hands on Export Import Table level using data pump.

Step 1: Create a copy of the employees table under the HR schema

Step 2. Create directory at the OS Level

Step 3. Create a DIRECTORY at DB level
CREATE DIRECTORY testdir AS 'D:\data_pump_dir';

Step 4:Give Read /Write to User system

Step 5. Export the EMP2 table from the HR user
expdp hr/hr directory=TESTDIR dumpfile=exp_tab_hr.dmp logfile=exp_tab_hr.log tables=HR.EMP2

Step 6. Verify that a .DMP file and a .LOG file exists in the DATDUMP directory
Step 7. Examine the .LOG file with any text editor
Step 8. Logon to HR and drop the EMP2 table
DROP TABLE hr.emp2;

Step 9. Import the .DMP file back into the HR user.
impdp hr/hr directory=testdir dumpfile=exp_tab_hr.dmp logfile=imp_tab_hr.log tables=HR.EMP2
Step 10. Verify that the emp2 table is re-created and re-loaded with data.
select * from hr.emp2;

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XML file data loading using EXTERNAL TABLE

Today we will learn about how to use the external table to load the xml data file .

Before going to for the steps lets discuss about
What is External Table ?

An external table is database object in which table structure and definition are stored inside the Oracle but the data as the name suggest reside outside the oracle .
  The External table enable us to access the external data and  as data segments not gets stored  in oracle we can not create any index,update the records and delete the records  external table  .

Here are the steps the access the xml file in oracle:
Sample File : Open a notepad type the below code and save as tab_friends.xml  which is used in this article

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"  xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="tab_friends.xsd" generated="2016-02-12T10:56:07">

Steps 1: Create the directory 
create or replace directory DIR_DATA_LOAD as 'D:\TEST';

We can check the info about the already created directory what is the path where we need to keep the xml file from the dba_directories views

select * from dba_directories r where r.directory_name='DIR_DATA_LOAD';

Steps 2: Read/Write access to DIRECTORY
After successful creation of directory we need to give the read ,write access to the user who will use this directory to access the xml file i.e if HR use want to access the file using DIR_DATA_LOAD directory then like below need to give access .

Grant read,write ON DIRECTORY  DIR_DATA_LOAD to HR;

Steps 3: External Table Creation for xml file  

CREATE TABLE hr.ext_tab_xml_frnd
srl_no integer,
name varchar2(200),
company varchar2(200)
organization external
type oracle_loader
default directory DIR_DATA_LOAD
access parameters (
                  records delimited by "</Table1>"
                  BADFILE 'bad.bad'
                  LOGFILE 'log.log'
                  fields missing field values are null
                    table1 char(2000) terminated by "<Table1>",
                    srl_no CHAR(2000) enclosed by "<SRL_NO>" and "</SRL_NO>",
                    name char(2000) enclosed by "<NAME>" and "</NAME>",
                    company char(2000) enclosed by "<COMPANY>" and "</COMPANY>",
                    table2 char(2000) terminated by "</DATAROOT>"
location ('tab_friends.xml')
reject limit unlimited ;

Steps 4: Reading the data of xml file  
Once the external table created we query the table like other table
select * from ext_tab_xml_frnd;

Wanted to create a table from the external table data
Create table xml_frnd 
select * from ext_tab_xml_frnd;

And wanted to store the data into the another table then  select and insert
insert into xml_frnd
select * from ext_tab_xml_frnd;

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