How to Learn the Art of Articulation

Articulation is the ability to express thoughts, ideas, and information clearly and effectively. It involves using appropriate language, tone, and structure to convey your message. Here are some strategies to help you learn the art of articulation:

1. Improve Your Vocabulary

Expand your vocabulary by reading widely and purposefully. Expose yourself to different genres, styles, and types of writing. Pay attention to new words and their usage. Regularly consult a dictionary or thesaurus to enhance your word choice and linguistic repertoire.

2. Practice Active Listening

Develop your ability to listen actively by giving your full attention to the speaker. Focus on understanding their message, rather than thinking about your response. Practice summarizing or paraphrasing what you have heard to ensure you have grasped the key points correctly.

3. Enhance Your Communication Skills

Take courses or workshops on effective communication skills. Learn about body language, non-verbal cues, and how to adapt your communication style to different audiences. Practice your speaking skills by presenting in front of others or engaging in group discussions.

4. Organize Your Thoughts

Before communicating your ideas, take the time to organize your thoughts. Create an outline or structure for your message. Identify the main points you want to convey and logically sequence them to ensure clarity and coherence in your speech or writing.

5. Practice Articulating Complex Ideas

Challenge yourself to articulate complex ideas in a simple and understandable manner. Strive for clarity and precision. Practice breaking down complex concepts into digestible pieces of information. Use analogies, metaphors, or examples to make your point more relatable.

6. Seek Feedback

Ask for feedback from trusted colleagues, mentors, or friends on your articulation skills. Request specific feedback on areas you want to improve. Take their suggestions constructively and work on refining your communication style based on the input you receive.

7. Read Aloud and Record Yourself

Reading aloud can help improve your articulation skills by training your speaking abilities. Practice reading different types of texts, such as articles, speeches, or presentations. Record yourself and listen to your delivery, paying attention to pronunciation, intonation, and overall clarity.

8. Observe and Learn from Effective Communicators

Pay attention to effective communicators, whether they are public speakers, authors, or professionals in your field. Study their techniques, observe how they structure their messages, and analyze their delivery. Take inspiration from their style and adapt it to your own communication approach.

9. Embrace Constructive Criticism

Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for growth. Accept that there is always room for improvement and be willing to make adjustments to your articulation techniques. Embrace feedback as a valuable tool for honing your skills.

10. Practice Regularly

Consistent practice is key to mastering the art of articulation. Challenge yourself to communicate effectively in different situations. Engage in debates, teach others, or start a blog to regularly express your thoughts and ideas. The more you practice, the more confident and skilled you will become.

Remember that learning the art of articulation is a continuous journey. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. With dedication and practice, you can become a confident and articulate communicator.

Art of story telling

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can greatly influence communication and engagement within an IT company. It allows for the effective transmission of ideas, experiences, and information in a relatable and memorable manner. Here are some key elements of the art of storytelling in an IT company:

1. Context and Relevance

When sharing a story within an IT company, it is crucial to establish the context and relevance to captivate the audience. Connect the story to a relatable situation or problem that the team is currently facing. This helps create a connection and makes the story more meaningful and impactful.

2. Structure and Plot

Crafting a well-structured story with a clear plot is essential. Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction, introduce the key characters or situations, and build up to a climax or turning point. Ensure that the story has a clear beginning, middle, and end, maintaining a logical flow throughout.

3. Emotion and Empathy

Incorporate emotions to make the story resonate with the audience. Tap into human emotions such as curiosity, empathy, humor, or inspiration. This helps to engage the listeners and create a memorable experience. Emotional connections make the story relatable, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding.

4. Visuals and Multimedia

Utilize visuals and multimedia elements to enhance the storytelling experience. Use images, videos, graphs, or charts to supplement the narrative and make it more visually appealing. Visual aids can reinforce key messages, clarify complex concepts, and leave a lasting impression.

5. Authenticity and Personalization

Make the story authentic and relatable by sharing personal experiences or anecdotes. Personal stories create a sense of authenticity and trust. Share challenges, failures, and lessons learned, as these often serve as valuable teaching moments and inspire others.

6. Simplicity and Clarity

Ensure that the story is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid unnecessary technical jargon. Focus on conveying the core message effectively, without overwhelming the audience with unnecessary details.

7. Engage and Interact

Encourage audience engagement and interaction during the storytelling process. Encourage questions, discussions, or reflections. This creates an interactive and collaborative environment, allowing team members to share their insights, experiences, and perspectives.

8. Purpose and Takeaways

Every story should have a purpose and a clear takeaway. Clearly articulate the key message or lesson that you want the audience to grasp. Emphasize the impact or relevance of the story to their work, encouraging them to apply the lessons learned in their own projects or tasks.

Storytelling in an IT company can foster a stronger sense of community, improve knowledge-sharing, inspire innovation, and enhance team collaboration. By utilizing the art of storytelling effectively, IT professionals can break down complex concepts, inspire creativity, and foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the work being done.

Hands On PL/SQL

Look, we all have limited time on our hands. And we’re getting closer to the interview date every single minute. That shouldn’t scare. That should motivate you!
Time is limited, that’s why we must do the things we want: Today with proper planning .
"Hands On PL/SQL" book can guide you to achieve success in your next interview. This book covers  PL/SQL interview experiences, questions and answers for a range of  PL/SQL Developer. All of these questions have been collected from the people who attended interviews at various multinational companies across the world.

In Hands On  PL/SQL, you’ll learn:
-All interview questions are asked in various MNC
-Questions are categorized Chapterwise .
-In-depth explanations
-Covers real time questions and answers
-Lots of scenario based questions.
Useful as a reference guide for  PL/SQL Interview preparation.

Are you ready to start reading this book?
If so: Order Now and WIN your next  PL/SQL interview .


pivot and unpivot in sql server


Drop table Students;




StudentName VARCHAR (50),

Course VARCHAR (50),

Score INT


INSERT INTO dbo.Students(StudentName,Course,Score) VALUES ('Abhishek', 'English', 95 )

INSERT INTO Students VALUES ('Abhishek', 'History', 82)

INSERT INTO Students VALUES ('Nayan', 'English', 45)

INSERT INTO Students VALUES ('Nayan', 'History', 78);


(SELECT StudentName,Score,Course FROM Students) AS StudentTable

PIVOT( SUM(Score) FOR Course IN ([English],[History])) AS SchoolPivot 


Drop table Students;




StudentName VARCHAR (50),

Math INT,

English INT,

History INT,

Science INT


INSERT INTO Students VALUES ('Abhishek', 78, 85, 91, 76 )

INSERT INTO Students VALUES ('Nayan', 87, 90, 82, 87)

SELECT StudentName, Course, Score

FROM Students


( Score FOR Course in (Math, English, History, Science)) AS SchoolUnpivot

--now pivot the above 

select * from (

SELECT StudentName, Course, Score

FROM Students


( Score FOR Course in (Math, English, History, Science)) AS SchoolUnpivot) AS StudentTable

PIVOT( SUM(Score) FOR Course IN ([English],[History])) AS SchoolPivot 


Pipeline function in oracle


--Q: what is pipeline function : 

--Q: What is pipe rows 

--Q: why return is empty ?

drop type country_type force 

---1 create the object type 

create or replace type country_type as OBJECT (

country_id char(2), 

country_name VARCHAR2(100)


---2 create the object of that type (step1) 

create or replace type country_table_type as TABLE OF country_type;

---3 create the pipeline function 

create or replace function fun_get_country_details return country_table_type 




  FOR i_rec IN (select * from countries) LOOP

    PIPE ROW(country_type(i_rec.country_id,i_rec.country_name));   





--4 : query using pipeline function : 

select * from table(fun_get_country_details());

select * from table(fun_get_country_details()) where country_id='IT'

Tricky Oracle Interview Question


we can achieve the  above functionality by using  DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED as  below












Oracle Interview Question Bank


Oracle Interview Question Bank

Here is the below oracle interview question commonly asked in many MNC company . Try to prepare it before appearing for an interview you can refer HAND ON SQL  for interview question and answer .

1.     What is an RDBMS ? what are different Database models ?

2.     What is SQL ?

3.     What is a transaction ?

4.     What is a Commit ?

5.     What is a rollback ?

6.     What is a DDL ?

7.     What is a DML ?

8.     What are group functions ? explain each

9.     What is  locking ?

10.  What is deadlocking ?

11.  What is a shared lock ?

12.  What is a exclusive lock ?

13.  What is a shared exclusive lock ?

14.  What are clusters ?

15.  What is indexing?

16.  What is a view?

17.  What is a rowid?

18.  What is a primary key?

19.  What is a unique key ?

20.  What is the difference between unique and primary key?

21.  What is a foreign key?

22.  What are integrity constraint.?

23.  What is referencial  intigrity ?

24.  What are different datatypes ?

25.  What is Varchar2 ? How is it different from Char?

26.  What is datatype mixing ?

27.  What is NULL?

28.  What is a sequence ?

29.  What are pseudo Columns in ORACLE ?

30.  What is a Like operator? How is it different from IN Operator?

31.  What are single row number functions in oracle? Give 4 examples and explain

32.  What are single row char functions in oracle? Give 4 examples and explain

33.  What are Conversion functions in oracle Give 4 examples and explain

34.  What are date function ? Give 4 examples and explain

35.  What is New_Time function?

36.  What is Convert function ?

37.  What is Translate function?

38.  What is Soundex function ?

39.  What is Replace function?

40.  What is floor function?

41.  What is iIntcap function?

42.  What is ASCII function?

43.  What is Decode function?

44.  What is Greatest function?

45.  What is format model in oracle?

46.  Give 5 examples of of number and date formats ?

47.  What is an expression ?

48.  What are 5 forms of expressions ?

49.  What is a condition?

50.  What aer 7 forms of conditions?

51.  What is a Synonym ?

52.  What are Cursors?

53.  What is explicit Cursors? How is it different from implicit cursor?

54.  What is an embedded SQL?

55.  What is PL/SQL?

56.  What are the Conditional Constructs of  PL/SQL?

57.  How is an array defined in PL/SQL?

58.  How to define a variable in PL/SQL?

59.   How to define an cursor in PL/SQL?

60.  What are exceptions?

61.  What are system Exceptions?

62.  How to Define our own exceptions in PL/SQL?

63.  How is the performance improved by PL/SQL in Oracle ?

64.  What is a Schema?

65.  What is a profile?

66.  What are roles?

67.  How can we alter a user’s password in oracle?

68.  What is a table-space in oracle?

69.  What is extent?

70.  What are PCTFREE and PCTUSED parameters?

71.  What is a Block in oracle?

72.  What is client –server architecture? Explain the different types?

73.  What is a segment in oracle ? explain different types?

74.  What is the use of RollBack segment?

75.  What is read-consistancy in ORACLE?

76.  What is SGA?

77.  What are background processes?

78.  What is SYSTEM userid? What does it have?

79.  What is SYS userid? What does it have?

80.  What is data dictionary in ORACLE?

81.  What is SQLDBA?

82.  Who is ORACLE ADMINISTRATOR ? How is he different from DBA ?

83.  How to create database?

84.  What are database files?

85.  What is a log file ? What is it's significance?

86.  What is a control file ? What is it's significance?

87.  What is a init file ? What is it's significance?

88.  What does an UPDATE  statement do?

89.  What does an DELETE statement do?

90.  What does an SELECT  statement do?

91.  What does an INSERT  statement do?

92.  How to create a table using SELECT and INSERT statements?

93.  How To delete duplicate rows in a table?

94.  What is an instance?

95.  What is startup and shutdown?

96.  What is mounting of database?

97.  What is two-phase commit?

98.  What are snapshots?

99.  What are triggers and stored procedures?

100.        What are packages?

101.        What is SQL*Forms 3.0 ? Is it a client or server?

102.         What are different objects of SQL* Forms?

103.        What are packaged Procedures?

104.        What are different types of triggers?

105.        What is the difference between resticted and unrestricted packaged procedures?

106.        What are system variables in SQL*Forms?

107.        What are global variables in SQL*Forms?

108.        What are pages?

109.        What is block? Explain different types?

110.        What is screen?

111.        What are different types of field?

112.        What is page zero?

113.        What does MESSAGE function do?

114.        What does NAME_IN function do?

115.        What does CLEAR_EOL procedure do?

116.        What does ON_ERROR procedure do?

117.        What does COPY function do?

118.        What is ARRAYSIZE parameter?

119.        What is GO_BLOCK function?

120.        What is ANCHOR_VIEW function?

121.        How to call a form from inside a form?

122.        How to send a parameters to another form?

123.        How to give automatic hint text for fields?

124.        How to see key map sequences?

125.        What is SYNCHRONIZE function?

126.        What is EXECUTE_QUERY procedure?

127.         How to customise system messages in SQL*Forms

128.        How to define fields in WYSIWYG format?

129.        What is ON-INSERT trigger?How is different from PRE-INSERT?

130.        What is the difference between a trigger and procedure?

131.        How to call a stored procedure from inside a form?

132.        What are V2 triggers?

133.        How to rename a form?

134.        What is a pop-up page?How to define one?

135.        What is a group in SQL*ReportWriter?

136.        How do you define parent-child relationship in ReportWriter?

137.        What is a rowcount fuction in ReportWriter?

138.        How do you define matrix report?

139.        How do you execute a report from within a form?

140.        What are exp and imp utilities?

141.     what is vertual column ?

142.     select decode('A',1,'C','A') from dual ;

143 .   create sequence seq1;

           select seq1.currval from dual ;

144.  select substr('123456789',instr('abcabcabc','b'),4) from dual ;

145.  select sysdate-sysdate+2 from dual ;

146. what is different between Union and union all?

147. what is different group by clause and having clause?

148. Explain join and type of joins ?

150 .what is different between case and decode?

151. Explain  rank and dense rank.?

152. SQL loaded sample 

153. how to skip a column from txt file in sql loaded ?

154. after loading the data how you will check the junk data and log into error log table ?

155. What is collection ? Diff Type of Collection ?

156. how to display odd/even record of table ?

157. 7th heighest salary of employee ?

158. How to reduce to time of query which is taking 4hrs to run ?

159. What is partition ? Explain with real life example ?

160. How to remove the duplicate data from table ? using two diff method ?

If you have some more interview question please drop in comment section .